Fishing With Capt Rick (2019)
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By: Capt Rick Reynolds
Questions? email me at:  Email Capt. Rick


For the past several years I have been developing and testing popping corks of all sizes and configurations. Since last summer, I have been working with my distributor to nail down 2 styles of popping corks and standardize them. We have done that and are currently distributing them in various small independent locations. There will be more to follow about that later.

I decided to buy a building and have started Thunderbolt Rods and Corks LLC . It is a licensed business. For the past 3 years I have been making rods to use on charters and now have branched out and sell them from my shop and my distributor. I have some short links of videos of myself and Capt. Jeremy fishing and catching with the prototypes of the corks. I will post a few pictures of the corks and rods and will have more information on how to contact my distributor if you are interested in purchasing or getting a quote for a rod.

Released Redfish

Overslot Red

Break Off



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